What Benefits Do IBM iSeries Servers Bring to Managed Data Storage and Maintenance?

When it comes to the data of a company, the proverb "information is power" is especially true. According to a study, small businesses that suffer a significant data loss will close their doors within a year, while large companies that suffer a significant data loss will do the same within two years.                                                                                                       

Companies are well aware that storing data offsite is the best approach to prevent data loss. Can reliable and affordable remote data storage be done, though?

The solution is that you can protect your servers and data when firms select an IT company that offers offsite data storage and maintenance with IBM iSeries.

Why choose IBM iSeries maintenance and storage?

Under the brand name AS/400, this IBM series platform first appeared in 1988. It was originally a line of hardware for midrange computer systems, but in 2008 it was included in the IBM Power Systems line, where it is being used today.

Companies that depend on the safe storage of confidential information and the capability to access the data in an emergency can profit tremendously from servers in the IBM iSeries. Key advantages that this line provides include:


  • the ability to support several file systems
  • automatic balancing of memory and processing power
  • Storage resiliency is provided through an integrated cluster design.
  • superior viral resistance and data encryption
  • Integrated storage administration

The integrity of the storage resource determines the value of offshore data storage. It is dangerous when firms choose managed data storage without first examining the hardware's reliability with the managed IT support provider. 

The hardware of the provider must deliver top-notch reliability since data security equals financial security. IBM iSeries servers easily match this requirement.

Why use managed data storage? 

Offsite data storage used to be accomplished entirely at the expense of the business that deployed it. Eventually, the company also paid for the hardware and software to be updated as part of the system's upkeep. 

In addition, it pays for the hardware, software, installation, and, in certain situations, the expense of purchasing a facility off-site to store the technology. 

These days, it can be easy to eliminate costs related to IBM iseries server maintenance and storage with the help of its providers.  

Businesses can pay a monthly service fee to keep encrypted data on the provider's servers in place of the aforementioned expenses. This arrangement can save firms thousands of dollars in system maintenance fees over the course of the service agreement while also reducing the usual start-up cost for offsite data storage by thousands of dollars. 

The financial opportunity—and financial security—offered by managed data storage is difficult for businesses that pay close attention to their bottom line to ignore.

To improve system security, Spectra offers its clients storage servers and IBM iseries maintenance and storage. 

Last words

It is a great choice to go with a managed IT support company that operates on an IBM iSeries server. 

IBM servers offer impressive performance and dependability at a reasonable cost. A business should determine the sort of hardware it needs before beginning the purchasing process to make sure it receives all the benefits.

Then, customers must do their shopping from a trusted provider of IBM iseries servers with a wide selection of used equipment. 

Many businesses are offering a practical and long-term solution to decrease the lifespan of their equipment using IBM iseries Maintenance and storage services. They provide inexpensive storage and maintenance options for IMB iseries servers.


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